Nicole Smith

Women have all the equal opportunity they need

Nicole Smith
Women have all the equal opportunity they need

the discussion of women in society is WAY off center.

It’s harmful, and here’s why…

Extremist Feminists of the Intellectual Elite have been propitiators of this idea that in order to be a truly meaningful member of society we must be like men, holding “powerful” roles in society that abandon family in pursuit traditionally male-defined success.

In America we our endowed with equal opportunity. NOT equality (as in "sameness”).

As a woman, I have equal opportunity to pursue the same things as men. Are there some misogynistic a******s out there? Yep. Nothing will ever change that.

But I’m not being hindered from the pursuit of the same things as men.

And as a side note, a woman’s pursuit of the same roles as men does not give anyone the right to dumb-down the requirements to hold any job.

If I want to be a firefighter, and the requirement to be one is that I have to carry 150 pounds of dead weight out of a burning building, I have to be able to meet that requirement. Period. It’s not helping anyone to reduce the standards for jobs, potentially endangering other lives, so that I can feel better about myself. If a man can’t meet those requirements he doesn’t get the job, so why should I - just because I have ovaries - get a position I’m not qualified for? Think about it!

Now back to it…

I grew up in the 80s and 90s.

My mother chose a career as a Homemaker during a time that it was increasingly unpopular to do so. She often recounted those times in which she felt judged by other women - other mothers - for her career choice. She wasn’t advancing the feminist cause, she was falling prey to the long-standing patriarchal society that subjugated women for thousands of years by condemning them to a submissive life in the kitchen.

They clearly don’t know my mother.

Now of days, the level of guilt for the Homemaker, the Nurse, the Teacher, or any woman who is following a “traditionally” female dominated career path has become 1000x magnified. We’re forced to feel guilty for not pursuing such roles just to advance some feminist call to arms, and it’s all a bunch of crap.

Any woman has the right to choose her own career path, as she should.

So can everyone please stop with the guilt already…we’ve gained our right to vote, we have freedom to pursue our dreams just like the next person, in fact, we’re more likely to succeed because we’re treated with favoritism because of our chromosomes…

I’m not the victim and neither are you…so it’s time to move on.

Ahhh…and I’m done.