Nicole Smith

God’s Design for Women is Powerful

Nicole Smith
God’s Design for Women is Powerful

By becoming a mother nearly four short years ago - just a few months from my 30th birthday - I learned how truly powerful God’s design is for women.

After growing a human being for nine months, laboring twenty-nine hours without a drop of pain medication, and pushing for 15 very intense minutes in which practically every blood vessel in my face burst, you become pretty aware of what you’re capable of.

No matter the type of day, week, month, or year I’m having…I look back on those moments with extreme pride.

God designed me to be strong…strong like a woman. He designed all women with the capacity to grow, deliver, and sustain life, and it’s that maternal capacity that also sustains us in every other aspect of our lives.

In short, we’re bada**!

And what’s more, so are men. God’s design for men is perfect. It is powerful. It is important.

Different. But no less perfect, powerful, or as important as that of woman’s.

But today’s Western Society routinely lies to women. We’re not powerful enough to grow, deliver, and sustain life while contributing to the betterment of our own lives and society at large.

We must be as much like men as possible to be truly powerful women…whatever the hell that means.

Abortion is touted as female empowerment…because, after all, sex without consequence has been the benefit of manhood since the beginning of time. So women should have that same “power” of abandonment.

But, what becoming a mother taught me is how very wrong that is.

Having the “right” to choose life or death for your child is not empowering…it is devastatingly harmful to women, children, men, family, and society as a whole.

The abortion industry tells women that they aren’t strong enough and then exploits them for profit.

  • Abortion Industry: “You can’t possibly have a kid and full-fill your dreams.” $$Cha-ching$$

  • Abortion Industry: “Adoption isn’t an option.” $$Cha-ching$$ (Take a look at Planned Parenthood’s adoption referral stats to see how much they peddle this lie.)

  • Abortion Industry: “You can’t afford to waste nine months of time carrying another person, even if you do plan to give the baby up for an adoption.” $$Cha-ching$$

  • And so on….

The Abortion Industry cashes in on these lies roughly 880,000 times across the U.S. annually. All of these lies are straight from the pit of hell.

You are powerful. You can carry a baby, despite circumstances. You can accomplish your dreams and be a mother. You are a fighter. You are strong.

…And don’t let ANYONE EVER tell you different.